Card (cards)
Care.Card is an encapsulated object model that can be considered as a fundamental information block for the CareWallet and Solve.Care platform. Just like a data collection or table, Care.Card is an object that encapsulates various data types and actionability. A Care.Card is owned by Wallet and Node. It is a struct with multiple data types, permission properties, encryption and interface linked to an Event. On Wallet A Care.Card can be thought as user interface card with underlying data and behavior encapsulation This section of Care.Protocol defines the Care.Card and its behavior when building a Care Journey
Field Name | Value Type | Description |
id | Number | 1. Unique Journey id across the network. 2. Autogenerated 3. Required |
name | String | 1. Name of the card (Care Card). 2. Required |
description | String | 1. Description of the card (Care Card) Required |
status | String | 1. Card Status: a. Active b. Inactive 2. Required |
version | Number | 1. Version of the card. (This version updates in an event of a change of the role metadata values.) 2. Required |
role | String | 1. Network Participant (Role) belongs to Card. 2. Required |
journey | String | 1. Journey belonging to the card. 2. Required |
card_definition_ref | String | 1. Reference of a UI component's definition. (Separate definition JSON file) This definition consists of dynamic card configurations. a. Card Data b. Card Layout c. Card UI Actions 2. Required / Optional 3. JSON file – card_definition.json |
wallet_events | Array | 1. List of wallet events for this card. (These are wallet internal events and incoming events.) 2. Required |
node_events | Array | 1. List of node events for this card. (These are outgoing events for other roles.) 2. Required |
care_tag_id | String | 1. Care.Tag Reference id 2. Required |