Card (cards)

Care.Card is an encapsulated object model that can be considered as a fundamental information block for the CareWallet and Solve.Care platform. Just like a data collection or table, Care.Card is an object that encapsulates various data types and actionability. A Care.Card is owned by Wallet and Node. It is a struct with multiple data types, permission properties, encryption and interface linked to an Event. On Wallet A Care.Card can be thought as user interface card with underlying data and behavior encapsulation This section of Care.Protocol defines the Care.Card and its behavior when building a Care Journey

Field Name Value Type Description
id Number 1. Unique Journey id across the network.
2. Autogenerated
3. Required
name String 1. Name of the card (Care Card).
2. Required
description String 1. Description of the card (Care Card) Required
status String 1. Card Status:
a. Active
b. Inactive
2. Required
version Number 1. Version of the card.

(This version updates in an event of a change of the role metadata values.)
2. Required
role String 1. Network Participant (Role) belongs to Card.
2. Required
journey String 1. Journey belonging to the card.
2. Required
card_definition_ref String 1. Reference of a UI component's definition. (Separate definition JSON file) This definition consists of dynamic card configurations.
a. Card Data
b. Card Layout
c. Card UI Actions
2. Required / Optional
3. JSON file – card_definition.json
wallet_events Array 1. List of wallet events for this card. (These are wallet internal events and incoming events.)
2. Required
node_events Array 1. List of node events for this card. (These are outgoing events for other roles.)
2. Required
care_tag_id String 1. Care.Tag Reference id
2. Required