Journey (journeys)

Care.Journey is a collection of Care.Cards linked by sequence and action. A Journey can be considered as a user's interaction from one screen to another in order to perform an action and produce an event on Platform. For example, booking an appointment.

Field Name Value Type Description
id Number 1. Unique Journey id across the network.
2. Autogenerated
3. Required
name String 1. Name of the Journey (Care Journey).
2. Required
description String 1. Description of the Journey (Care Journey)
2. Required
status String 1. Journey Status:
a. Active
b. Inactive
2. Required
version Number 1. Version of the Journey.

(This version updates in an event of a change of the role metadata values.)
2. Required
start_card_ref_id Number 1. Starting card of the journey
2. Optional
roles Array 1. List of roles involved in this Journey.
2. Required
integration_roles Array 1. List of Integration roles (services) involved in this Journey.
2. Required / Optional