Network Participant (roles)

Care Network Participants and its contracts (Roles and Relationships). This section of Care.Protocol holds role definition. A role in Care Network is the user role that produces or consumes the events in decentralized platform. A user role could be such as a Doctor, Patient, Care Coordinator, Insurance provider, Employer etc. Every

Field Name Value Type Description
id Number 1. Unique role id across the network.
2. Autogenerated
3. Required
name String 1. Name of the Network Participant (Role).
2. Required
description String 1. Description of the Network Participant (Role)
2. Required
type String 1. Role Type:
a. Role (Care Wallet Role)
b. Integration Role (Platform Role)
2. Required
status String 1. Role Status:
a. Active
b. Inactive
2. Required
version Number 1. Version of the Role.

(This version updates in an event of a change of the role metadata values.)
2. Required
network String 1. Care Administration Network Name.
2. Required