How to Create a Care.Network

This tutorial will take you through how you can author Care.Protocols to create a Care.Network in the Care.Labs Web App.

  1. To start authoring Care.Protocols select “Author Care.Protocols” from the list on the left of your Care.Labs home page.


  2. The order of authoring a Care.Protocol in the Imaginarium is Care.Network Details > SOLVE as Gas > Roles > Care.Journeys

  3. On the Care.Network Details page first fill in the Network Name you want to use (We suggest one that is clear and concise!)


  4. Under “Network Description” provide a detailed description of your Care.Network that users will be able to read


  5. Under “Country List” you can select all the countries you wish the Care.Network to be visible and accessible in


  6. Select the “Number of Nodes” you wish to be included in your Care.Network (there is a minimum requirement of 2 for a Care.Network to function. In the free version of Care.Labs the maximum number of nodes you can have in a Care.Network is 3)


  7. Select “Save & Continue” to move on to the next step, “SOLVE as Gas”

  8. On the “SOLVE as Gas” page you can set the default GAS price in SOLVE for your Care.Network


  9. Select “Save & Continue” to move on to “Roles”

  10. On the “Roles” page provide the Role Names and Role Descriptions for your Care.Network

    (A Role is a Care.Network participant (user) that produces and consumes events. Example: doctor, patient, care coordinator, insurance provider, employer etc.)


  11. Add additional nodes by selecting the + button on the right


  12. Select “Save & Continue” to move on to “Care.Journeys”

  13. On the “Care.Journey” page you can define the Care.Journey names, description, and the roles that interact with a Care.Journey

    (A Care.Journey is a user’s interaction from one screen to another in order to perform an action and produce an event. Example: booking an appointment)


  14. Add additional Care.Journeys by selecting the + button on the right


  15. Once all pages (Care.Network Details, SOLVE as Gas, Roles, Care.Journeys) have been filled in select “Save Care.Protocol” at the bottom right of the Care.Journeys page

  16. Once the Care.Protocol has been saved, a pop-up notification will appear at the top of your screen


  17. Your saved Care.Protocol will appear below the provided Sample Care.Networks under “Authored Care.Protocols”
