Care.Labs has been developed to empower businesses and individuals with the ability to quickly and cost-effectively create change in healthcare through being able to create their own decentralized healthcare solutions (Care.Networks) on the Solve.Care Platform. It also gives them the opportunity to change the world of healthcare, and an opportunity to work with like-minded physicians, in a way that has not been available to do in this industry as of yet.
Care.Labs is no longer just a concept but a reality. Using our new Care.Labs Wallet mobile app and companion web application we call the Care.Labs Imaginarium authors can create Care.Protocols (Care.Protocol is an immutable definition of a Care Network, participant roles, relationships, Care.Journeys, Care.Cards, Care. Events and interoperability) to test out their very own Care.Networks.
What can you do with Care.Labs Wallet?
The Care.Labs Wallet is your access point to experiencing what Care.Labs has to offer. In the free version of Care.Labs Wallet, users will be able to create a 3 role/node Care.Networks and be able to check out some sample networks. It takes only approximately 7-10 minutes to publish a Care.Network.
Authoring the Care.Protocol for a Care.Network is easy and all it requires is for the user to follow these few steps:
- Provide a network name, description, countries of deployment, and number of roles
- Identify the role names and descriptions
- Define the Care.Journeys by providing names, descriptions, and roles specific to those Care.Journeys
- Your Care.Protocol will be saved and a JSON script will be automatically generated and you will be able to view it in your Care.Labs Imaginarium
- You can then publish your new Care.Network
Once published, you will have the opportunity to send invite codes to anyone you would like to participate.
That’s not all, if you want to do more with Care.Labs we also provide a paid Enterprise version.
Care.Labs Enterprise
You can sign up for Care.Labs Enterprise that provides scalability to the Care.Networks you want to create. With Care.Labs Enterprise, we provide everything you need to make sure you get exactly what you want out of your Care.Networks. Here are some of the benefits of Care.Labs Enterprise:
- Our cool journey board lets you reimagine healthcare within a few hours
- We will author the first 3 networks for you
- You can test in real time and do a controlled launch within days
- Engage real users, 1 or 100 or 1000, with just a click
- Learn from live environment experiences, adapt, adjust and relaunch
- As business needs change, publish new cards, add roles and invite more users
- An assigned account manager to guide your team or handle everything for you
Care.Labs allows you to publish digital health solutions that can get used by millions, but won’t cost you millions.
SOLVE as Gas
Care.Labs is bringing greater adoption and utility to SOLVE, our very own utility token. SOLVE is a utility token with its own virtual digital value. All events taking place on the Solve.Care Platform require SOLVE to happen. As such, SOLVE is required in your Care.Labs Wallet and used by all Care.Networks.
SOLVE transactions are maintained at a blockchain level. Every event taking place requires SOLVE as Gas. The platform also gives users even more ways to utilize the SOLVE token. The Care.Protocol can be written to also use SOLVE as fees, payment, or redemption. As illustrated above, SOLVE as Payment is an exchange of SOLVE between two users. SOLVE as Fees is utilized when third party services are paid for by a network user. After processing an event, SOLVE is automatically deducted from the available balance and all SOLVE activity is clearly shown in the SOLVE activity page in your Care.Labs Imaginarium.
SOLVE will also be easily available to be exchanged for on the Care.Labs Wallet app itself!