Neurology is a specialization that focuses on the treatment and study of nervous system disorders. The nervous system governs much of the human body and is very complex. It can essentially be broken down into many divisions but there are two major ones; The central nervous system in the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system which consists of other neural elements and sensory receptors.
Neurologists treat many disorders that can have an effect on a patient’s nerves, brain, motor skills, and spinal cord. Some of the more common disorders that call for a neurologist include cerebrovascular diseases, most commonly strokes, demyelinating diseases that spread through the nervous system like multiple sclerosis, infections, movement and neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, seizures, speech disorders, and so much more. With these disorders come a large slew of possible symptoms, many of which are debilitating and make it difficult to live a normal life.
Neurology is studied by both neurologists and neurosurgeons, although the key difference being that neurologists don’t perform surgery and can be considered more as internists while neurosurgeons are the opposite, often focusing purely on the surgical aspect of neurology. They often work collaboratively to ensure a patient gets all the care they need pre-op, during the surgical process, and for pro-op recovery.
Telehealth provides many benefits and opportunities for neurology. Even high-income countries, including the United States, has a shortage of neurologist. Many patients who are admitted with neurological conditions often do not even get the chance to see a specialist despite the urgency and time-sensitive nature of the needed assessments. Furthermore, many countries in the world are experiencing an aging population, which means a possible increase in cases of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Telehealth solutions can serve to bridge the gap between patient needs and access to neurologists. Vanderbilt University conducted a 3-year teleneurology outcomes study, in which they found that more than 87% of patients could be treated within community hospital systems.
Global Telehealth Exchange (GTHE) is a state-of-the-art telehealth solution that encompasses many aspects of the healthcare journey. It is HIPAA-compliant, secure, and provides worldwide access to healthcare. With access to healthcare professionals globally, and the ability to securely share information, patients using GTHE will have no problems in getting the help they need from anywhere in the world. Meanwhile, healthcare providers have greater access to other specialties for referrals if the need arises. And, as many specialties require better or quicker communication channels, having easy access to full medical records with the permission of the patient, can help healthcare providers to diagnose and advise treatment options more efficiently. General practitioners and specialists using GTHE can easily make referrals or share documentation when needed.
GTHE offers many benefits to healthcare providers including:
- Instant reimbursement
- Top level data security
- Cross-border treatments
- No additional paperwork, and in most cases eliminates it all together
- Full control over your rates, availability, and schedule
- No monthly or annual subscription fee
- No contract commitments
With GTHE, healthcare providers can connect with their patients seamlessly and provide a better remote standard of care. If you want to expand your medical practice without investing in expensive software, visit the GTHE website and sign up now.